Daily Tweets Of Anonymous Hamburg
Daily Tweets and other entertaining nonsense from our feeds:
17:47 @_INTA "a requirement that ISPs implement monitoring and take down policies." (p20) is not an Option, monitoring all traffic is 1984 #ACTA #
17:50 last tweet refered to :_INTA's tweet about the #Acta negotiations agenda comments #
18:00 several discussed the desire to combat "file sharing," even apparently when not done on a commercial scale. #ACTA bit.ly/cEYJhe #
18:14 @_INTA "We are concerned over the broad scope of IP to be covered in #ACTA" that is concerning, but your views on ISP monitoring are worse #
19:49 Watc hing 'piraten_hamburg' on @justintv justin.tv/s/01/1PRG238/piraten_hamburg #
19:49 wie siehst mit unterwanderung aus? #piraten ~ Come watch and chat with me! justin.tv/s/04/1PRG238~/piraten_hamburg #
19:50 Darknet #piraten ~ Come watch and chat with me! justin.tv/s/04/1PRG238~/piraten_hamburg #
19:51 Wir finden dass "aufruhr" erzeugen #piraten ~ Come watch and chat with me! justin.tv/s/04/1PRG238~/piraten_hamburg #
19:51 nicht reicht #piraten ~ Come watch and chat with me! justin.tv/s/04/1PRG238~/piraten_hamburg #
19:51 jepp #piraten ~ Come watch and chat with me! justin.tv/s/04/1PRG238~/piraten_hamburg #
19:51 wies mit nem darknet? #piraten ~ Come watch and chat with me! justin.tv/s/04/1PRG238~/piraten_hamburg #
19:51 das ganze untauglich machen #piraten ~ Come watch and chat with me! justin.tv/s/04/1PRG238~/piraten_hamburg #
19:52 naja eine struktur schaffen #piraten ~ Come watch and chat with me! justin.tv/s/04/1PRG238~/piraten_hamburg #
19:53 sekunde #piraten ~ Come watch and chat with me! justin.tv/s/04/1PRG238~/piraten_hamburg #
19:53 so zum Bleistift #piraten ~ Come watch and chat with me! justin.tv/s/04/1PRG238~/piraten_hamburg #
19:54 m esh-net.org/wiki/The_Darknet_Plan #piraten ~ Come watch and chat with me! justin.tv/s/04/1PRG238~/piraten_hamburg #
19:54 s wie das freifunk projekt #piraten ~ Come watch and chat with me! justin.tv/s/04/1PRG238~/piraten_hamburg #
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