Daily Tweets Of Anonymous Hamburg
Daily Tweets and other entertaining nonsense from our feeds:
18:46 #Anonymous Free Internet protest was great yesterday, even Iran sent some photoshop artists tinyurl.com/yce8756 #projectfreeweb #
21:11 if you don´t know what #ACTA is and why it is a threat, look here tr.im/Pdeh then join here tr.im/PdeR #projectfreeweb #
21:13 RT @telecomix: #ACTA Internet Chapter has leaked. Article: bit.ly/9eR1cB Source: bit.ly/bVaeCt #projectfreeweb #
21:15 Each Party shall ensure that enforcement procedures,[] in criminal enforcement sections of this Agreement, are available under its law #ACTA #
21:17 bit.ly/bVaeCt Each Party shall ensure that enforcement procedures,[] in this Agreement, are available under its law #ACTA #Zensur #
21:21 Wir hoffen die #piraten protestieren zeitnah gegen #ACTA, wir wären dabei. #
21:56 @PiratePartyUK @USPirates @piratepartyau Nao that horrible #ACTA parts are leaked, what are you going to do? #piraten #internet #censorship #
22:12 Mal ehrlich #piraten ist der #jmstv noch vo n Bedeutung? tr.im/PdFr #
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