Der nächste globale Raid finde in Hamburg am 9.5.9 statt.
es wird wärmer also nimmt zu trinken mit (nicht alkohlisch natürlich)
siehe RULZ:Es wird wieder viele diese grünen Flyer geben und
KekseDamit die Zeit bis dahin schneller vergeht.
LEAK!Der Niedergang von Scientology in Zahlen, errechnet aus den internen unterlagen der OT-Ambassadors, die Anonymous aus Sektenkreisen zugespielt wurden.
Information ist frei.
They are the WUS OT Ambassador unit stats , meaning these are stats gotten by OT's from the OT Ambassador Clubs across the WUS. They do not refect what the orgs were doing or not doing but what the OT's are doing in the WUS as part of an organized field under Div VI. These are like OT Field staff member stats.Download des geleakten Spreadsheets
BILD IN GROSSStat Erklärung (leider in Englisch, Deutsche Überstzung Folgt):Stat #1: Number of Clears or NED Case Completions onto their next step to OT. (This is to only include the following steps: Student Hat [or Study Certainty] HQS Course, any TR Course, Solo Course Part One, Solo Certainty Course, Solo Course Part Two, OT Preps [which may include HRD or FPRD as determined by the C/S], OT Eligibility, Power, Power Plus, R6EW, Clearing Course, Sunshine RD and OT I)
Stat #2: Number of Pre-OTs onto their next step to OT. (This does not include refreshers or reviews. It only includes starts on OT II, III, IV, V, VIa, VIb, VIc, VII, VIII, SNCC Part I and II as well as OT Preps or Elig for one of these OT Levels.)
Stat #3: "Number of all other Bridge Steps started this week at a Mission, Org or SO Org. (This includes preclears onto an auditing action, raw public started on service, Div 6b Service Starts and any training started, ie: PTS/SP Course, Basics Books & Lecture Courses etc.)
Stat #3a: Number of Starts on Basic Books and Lectures Courses. (Basic Books and Lectures Starts are to be included under stat #3 as well..)
Stat #4: Amount of funds raised for Buildings or Renovations in US$. (Must be invoiced by the org, not pledged amounts.)
Stat #5: Number of Staff recruited for Orgs assisted by the OT Committee. (This is counted when the person activates their contract and starts on post.)
Stat #6: "Number of Volunteer Hours Spent for the Org working on the OT Ambassador Projects. (These are the projects outlined in OT 5 of the OT Ambassador Program and Attachment.)
Stat #7: Number of People arrived to Freewinds Congresses at an Org or to the Ship for Conventions, OT Hatting or OT Debug.
Stat #8: "Number of Active OT Ambassadors & OT Committee Members this week.
(Definition: An Active OT Ambassador or Active OT Committee Member is defined as someone who has directly contributed this week toward getting someone onto their next step of The Bridge, or who is on the the OT Committee of the local Org and has contributed to OTC Projects or events this week.)"
Stat #9: Number of Books sold to Raw Public. (This could be DMSMH or Self Analysis or any other book sold while doing dissemination activities, stress tests etc.)
Stat #10: Number of Events, Seminars and Briefings held. (These are specifically events to move Scientologists up the Bridge, Field Activation Events, Fundraising Events, Div 6 Lectures and workshops. This is the number of actual events. It is not the number of OT Ambassadors or OT Committee Members participating in an event. If an event is put on in which several orgs and OT Ambassadors and OT Committee Members participate, the stat is reported by the I/C of the event.)
Stat #11: Number of targets completed on the OT Ambassador Program.
Stat #12: Number of Basics Books or Lectures Series completed by OT Committee Members this week.
Stat #13: Number of people helped to upgrade their IAS status this week.