Anonymous Hamburg
a b& of /b/rothers

Raid Report von Operation: School's Closed (13.09.2008)

Short report is in English due to lazyness. :-P *copypasta from enturbulation*

Anonymous mit 'Scientology ist Moppelkotze'-Schild

"We met up at the main station, where we learned that the Scilons tried to pull a counter protest, which was supposed to force us to change our protest route.
But the police told them to GTFO since we got our permit first.

Anonymous sammelt sich am Hauptbahnhof

When we arrived at the org we saw a MASSIVE counter protest, with at least ONE scilon, two at peak times....

Scientologe versagt bei der Gegendemo

After continous dancing and shouting, as well as waving to the OSA guys, we were given some new black PR,and the GERMAN VERSION of the Anonymous Hate Crimes DVD, with anonymous spelled "Anonymus" on its cover.

Anonymus Hassverbrechen - lol

We directly out this thing in our Notebook, but the DVD was fail, and refused to function.
To all Scilons reading this: Your DVD´s have to work if you want someone to see its contens!
Also please bring more of of the Hate Crime DVD´s it in October pl0x!

Interview mit Ex-Scientologe

We also could get a nice interview wit an ex scilon who joined us a few month ago, and some footage of constrution workers who were involved in the building of the Hamburg org and told us some things about the orgs history....

Anonymous Gruppenfoto

At the end as always, we were followed, but thats business as usual."
