Anonymous Hamburg
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Anonymous connections are growing closer

Due to all the recent events, Anonymous seems to have grown more and more together than it has before. At least it's how it seems to us HamburgAnons. Besides having connections to the other Anons in Germany, our contacts abroad grew especialy since the "This is Scientology"-event.

On this way we'd like to greet the Anons from Berlin, Stuttgart, Munich, Freiburg, Hannover, the Anons from London, Dublin, WINnipeg and San Fransisco.

And a big thanks to the SanFagsisco Anons for their support during the last protest as you can see on the pictures below.

Click here for the "Operation: School's Closed" pics from the SanFagsisco Anons.

Thank you all so very much. :-)
All the support, inspiration and cooperation realy keeps us going. Hope we'll be able to make some of it up till the next protest. ;-)