Anonymous Hamburg

Anon besucht Leipzig und Daily Tweets Of Anonymous Hamburg

Wie am 01.07.2010 gebloggt hatt die KVPM in Leizig ein Schuhladen besetzt.

Was finde man so in Internet über diese Ausstellung:

Ein kleines bisschen Horrorshow: Leipziger Anti-Psychiatrie-Ausstellung schlägt sich selbst und ein wenig Scientology ist auch dabei


KVMP-Vorstand und Scientologe Bernd Trepping freute sich währenddessen über den seiner Ansicht nach regen Besucherandrang:

„Bis zum Samstag haben wir 1500 Besucher gezählt. Bis Sonntag glauben wir die 2000 zu erreichen. Das ist schon sehr viel gegenüber bisherigen Ausstellungen.“

Ohh da dachte man schon was ist das los.
Ist in Leipzig so wennig los das die Leute dahin gehen oder sind die Zahlen
"etwas" übertreiben?

Also haben sich ein Paar Anons am Wochende los gemacht
Um sich das mal vor Ort an geschauen:

Hey everybody.


Why Leipzig? What Leipzig?

So, Berlin is not the best place for Scientology, as you may already know. That’s one reason why Scientology tries for years to expand into other cities in the new states of Germany, although they fail constantly in this attempt. Often they claim that they will target one city or region, then the general public and the politicians disapprove and protest and then (mostly) Scientology backs off. For instance: Scientology claims for about twenty years that they will expand into the federal state of Brandenburg, which enclose the whole state of Berlin. But everything Scientology ever achieved were some Stresstest-Booths in the shopping street of Potsdam, the capital of Brandenburg (staffed with Scientologists from Berlin,because they could get there by city train). Pretty small expansion, isn’t it?

One of the now new big plans of Scientology is to built a mission in Leipzig, the biggest City in the state of Saxony and about 150 kilometres away from Berlin. They claim this plan for quite some time new. The official institutions of the City of Leipzig are prepared and until now: no Mission of Scientology. But, as kind of a vanguard, they managed to trick a landlord by not telling him that they are Scientology and got a shop rented for about one month for the KVPM, the German Version of the CCHP and their anti-psychiatry exhibition. Especially the “Sektenberatung / Eltern- und Betroffenen-Initiative gegen psychische Abhängigkeit Sachsen e.V.” (the Institution who informs on behalf of the City about cults) and the “Kinder- und Jugendhilfe” (the Institution who runs the public work for young people like the youth clubs and the social work for children and adolescents) are on it, inform the press and the public and so on. That’s all right, no Jeff Stone like problem or so...


But, as Leipzig is quite simple to reach from Berlin and maybe, maybe one day will have an own failing mission of Scientology – which then could be raided – some Berlin Anons decided to make a trip to Leipzig, check out the city and raid the exhibition. We were joint by the “Sektenbeauftragte”, the main woman of the Sektenberatung of Leipzig (or, if you like, the Ursula Caberta of Leipzig). We saw some “new” Scifags, had a lot of fun with them and some ice-cream. Most of the Leipzig-people we meet were already against Scientology, like in Berlin, particularly the shops nearby. Story follows now.

Oh no, Anons. What should we do?

The shop with the exhibition is located at the edge of downtown Leipzig. We arrived short before 10 am, because that’s when the exhibition should open its doors. But then, when we took some pictures of the shop before it opened, the first Scifags arrived, whizzed into the shop and started to call around. “Anons at the doorstep, what should we do?” After some hours (we raided from 10 am up to 3 pm, btw) it became blatant that the plan was just to put every Scifag they could get (mostly from Bavaria) into the exhibition, either as body router or as “usual people who want to see the exhibition”. After all they got about 15 Scifags to do that – on a Saturday. And they opened the doors about twenty minutes late – isn’t that out-ethic?


[Video-tapping Scifag]


[If you'll look right, you'll see the advertisement of the shoeshop who used the shop before. Often pedestrian remembered this shop: "Prior, there was a realy great shoeshop there."]

In the first hours, they also put out a camera and filmed everybody, especially us and the “Sektenbeauftragte”. Usual tech, I know. But it became a boomerang later, when the police came around and ask for the tapes, because they wanted to look if the Scifags filmed us in such a excessive way that it could be called harassment – the Scifags did not only refused to show the tapes to the police, no, they just lied to the police and claimed that they did not know anything about anybody filming us. We just could take out our cameras and show the police that this was just an upfront lie.

By itself Scientology called the police quite often this time, after other attempts to handle us, didn’t work. It was obvious that they hoped to give us some stress, but hey... that’s the name of the game.

So, this is Leipzig...

More than ones, Scientology send out body routers to get some people into the – after all quite empty – exhibition. That doesn’t work, most of the flyers they handed out were throw on the ground when the people of Leipzig realized where they were from.

But sometimes we took the opportunity to follow them around the city when they started their round. We really saw a lot of Leipzig, although the routers sometimes just turned around to go back to the exhibition (“to call the police”) and had only the permission to flyer in specific parts of the town. So we didn’t see everything (no “Völkerschlachtdenkmal”, no “Nikolaikirche”, no “Nationalbibliothek”), but... okay, this was Leipzig.


[Two Scifags with copy of the city-map (don't they have Internet on their Smartphones?), one Anon.]

Our routers always tried new ways to handle us when we followed them: call us names, be “nice”, ignore us, run away into a shop and so on. At one time a Scifag even tried to push an Anon away, but the Anon just ask him, who the fuck he think he is and then the Scifag just looked stupid. That was fun, because most of the time they did not handed out any flyer, they just walked and walked and walked and then turned around.


[The Scifag, seconds after he tried to push an Anon away.]

Mr. and Mrs. KVPM itself

Over the day some more Scifags showed up, who should be mentioned. At first, Bernd Trepping und Nicola Cramer arrived. Bernd Trepping is the head of the KVPM in Germany, Nicola Cramer is his partner in crime (and his wife). They run the KVPM-show with this exhibition for years (he claims twenty), but in the last days they didn’t show up in Leipzig. But now, when we raided them, they both came around from München (or “Munich” for you english-speakers, about 350 kilometres). He was the one who called the police and … basically he was calling around all the time. So, the big boss was there: We are not impressed.


[View directly from the exhibition's door... ... ... you just have to read it, don't you?]

Then the KVPM-minibus showed up. They use the same minibus for all their exhibitions in Germany in eastern Europe. So that was not unexpected. But with the bus there came “OSA-smurf”, a Scientologist who was one of our handlers in Berlin for about four, five months last year, but then he disappeared after some stupid attempts to handle us. And now he was back: as a KVPM-Scifag. It seemed as if he had forget the Stress we gave him back in the days, because he really tried every scare-tech he tried the year before. So this day became a day of fail for him, because: if it doesn’t worked in 2009, it did not work in 2010 either.


[Mr. KVPM (the big one), Marusha, other Scifag, OSA-Schlumpf, other Scifag]


[Raiding the KVPM-minibus]

The funny thing was, that he was one of the Scifags who claimed that the police in Leipzig was on their side against Anonymous (*lol*), but then, when the “Ordnungsamt” (the official agency who – among other things – give out the wrong-parking tickets) came around, he was among those Scifags who tried to run to the minibus and drive away, before they could get the wrong-parking ticket. But they were late, the ticket was already filled and no talking with the woman from the Ordnungsamt could change that.

So, after five hours of raiding the exhibition and having fun, we decided to play tourists. We walked away and took a tour through the city. After all: it was one of the hottest days this year, about 30 degree Celsius, only burning sun. So, yeah, now we know Leipzig. If Scientology ever try to built this Mission, they talking about, we now know how to raid them.

On the way back, we discussed other places we should enturbulate. We decided nothing, but I belive the next destination could be the North Pole -- after this day of Summer.

Series: Lonely Scifags from Berlin Leipzig

From my ongoing series about lonely Scifags from Berlin, this time a lonely, hungry, sweating Scifag from Leipzig.


Pix 1: Album - July 03th, 2010: Leipzig - sevenload

Pix 2: Album - July 03th, 2010: Leipzig Set II - sevenload


Daily Tweets and other entertaining nonsense from our feeds:

11:30 looking for good #ACTA consequences analogies to make a video with easy explanations for uninvolved people. If you have ideas let us know. #

11:33 wir suchen nach guten real life Analogien für die #ACTA Konsequenzen im Internet für ein Erklärungsvideo das jeder versteht- lasst mal hören #

12:14 danke @UrbanP1rate Inhalt gut, aber Unterschicht #Bernd rallt nicht sofort warum das für ihn schlecht ist, suche einfachere Bildsprache #

12:15 @herrurbach danke fürs Angebot, machen wir, Abends nach dem Hamstermühlenarbeitstag. #

12:43 @UrbanP1rate das geht schon in die Richtung :-D #

16:26 die deutsche project chanology wiki ist wieder online: #

18:48 #Berlin, #Scientologist attacked #Anonymous protester on the street #scientology #Co$ #