Anonymous Hamburg

New Vlog is out Faggots.

This time it is about an Operation we´d like to conduct for the Megaraid.

Operation Recollect.
The goal is to gather all the Anonymous made videos and package them into download libraries,
that will be published, when they have been sorted and labeled, after the Megaraid.
We hope that a lot of Anons show up and bring thier shit with them, or send it to us via our youtube channels so that we can merge it to a XBOX HUEGE collection.

To aviod epic failure like the recent festival of leaks, we have already collected nearly a thousand videos in advance before announcing the Operation.

Here is the Vlog

Bildquelle: Sydney Morning Herald

Die Scientology-Organisation steht in Frankreich seit Ende Mai wegen «organisierten gemeinschaftlichen Betruges» vor Gericht, nachdem vier ehemalige Mitglieder die Sekte angezeigt hatten.
Die Gesellschaft habe mit «einer ganzen Reihe betrügerischer Manöver» neue Mitglieder angeworben und finanziell ausgenommen, erklärte die Anklagebehörde damals in Paris.

Das Verfahren lief bis zur heutigen Urteilsverkündung.

Leider kann eine Auflösung nicht durch geführt werden.
Scientology Auflösung in Frankreich unwahrscheinlich wegen Änderungen an dem Gesetzen.

die "Süddeutsche" in ihrem Artikel Vermerkt hat:
Die wichtigste Forderung der Staatsanwaltschaft, nämlich die Auflösung der Organisation, ist wegen einer umstrittenen Gesetzesänderung allerdings nicht mehr möglich. Nach Angaben der Regierungsmehrheit wurde das fragliche Gesetz im Mai ausversehen innerhalb eines umfassenden Paketes zur Rechtsvereinfachung geändert - also bereits vor der Strafmaßforderung.
Wir hoffen doch stark das entsprechende Untersuchungen, wegen Lobbyismus Seitens der Scientology-Organisation oder sogar Unterwanderung der Nationalversammlung, von statten gehen.

die "Süddeutsche"
Außerdem gibt es in Paris längst Gerüchte, Scientology habe Gönner in hohen Ämtern.
Sobald Beweise vorliegen werden diese Veröffendlich.

Das Urteil lautet wie folgend:
1. GUILTY Alain Rosenberg - 2 years prison (suspended) 30,000E fine *+
2. GUILTY Didier Michaux - 18 months Prison (suspended) 20,000E fine *
3. GUILTY Jean-François Valli - 18 months Prison (suspended) 10,000E fine *
4. GUILTY Sabine Jacquart - 10 months Prison (suspended) 5,000E fine *+
5. GUILTY Aline Fabre - 2,000E fine ~
6. GUILTY Marie Anne Pasturel - 1,000E fine ~
7. GUILTY Celebrity Centre - 400,000E fine * &
8. GUILTY Scientology Bookstore - 200,000E fine * &
* = organized fraud
+ = complicity in the illegal exercise of pharmacy
~ = illegal exercise of pharmacy
& = ordered to publish judgment in newspaper
Quelle: klick hier

Nach der Urteilsverkündung kam es zu echt lustigen Ausagen seites Scientology
wie dies:

Eric Roux, a spokesman for the Celebrity Centre, urged France to recognise Scientology's "legality".

"Religious freedom is in danger in this country," he said.

oder der Anklage
Yesterday's decision was the ''first time in France Scientology has been condemned as a legal entity'', said Olivier Morice, a lawyer for the complainants. ''The organisation now knows it is being watched.''

Aussagen werden nicht übersetzt, damit nicht so ein Fail wie bei der Gala zustande kommt:
"Sie sind wie Eichhörnchen, die einen Stromschlag erlitten haben. Sie machen mich so wütend!"

"They're squirrels," Cruise said angrily, according to a witness. "Stuck in an electronic incident. It makes me so angry!"

Damit man sehen kann wieweit die Scientology Internesprache (kleine Einblick der Abkürzungen sowie Scientology Acronym/Terminology Liste ) von der ausserhalb Scientology gesprochenden Sprache abweicht.

weitere Quellen:
Irrtum des Parlaments

Frankreich: Scientology muss 600.000 Euro Geldstrafe zahlen

Betrug in Frankreich: Gericht verurteilt Scientology | Frankfurter Rundschau - Top-News


Hello, Kendrick Moxon. We are Anonymous.

Anonymous has always found that your presence in the cult of Scientology is as much an enigma as it is a blight. You are aware, just as we are, that the cult of Scientology is an international fraud. That the cult of Scientology Destroys families and livelihoods for the sake of plunder and largess, that the cult of Scientology makes slaves of its subjects. More so, the very cult we are in the process of dismembering is the very reason your daughter lost her life.. Knowing all this, you still persist within it as a faint shadow of your former power.

For the past year and a half you have behaved with care, and conservatism, biding your time as Anonymous lay siege to your Cult. This was your wisest strategy, and now it is broken.

Now with your instigated raid on an Anonymous Member by SWAT teams of the Las Vegas Police Department you have deceived Law enforcement by forging terrorist threats in an attempt to neutralize your opponents. Thank you for playing the game. You have lied in writing to police and government officials.

Or shall we say, You have lied again to them?
You did that before, in the late seventies, in the aftermath of Operation snow white.

Anonymous will demonstrate that your fraudulent claims of terrorist activities are forgeries. This, combined with evidence you have already made available to the legion will demonstrate that this is nothing more than a Hubbard-tech fair game attack.

Anonymous will see to it that Legal action be taken against you, and that you will answer to applicable penalties including but not limited to sanctions, disbarment and criminal indictment.

We know of your crimes. You forge evidence. You are a co-conspirator in government infiltration. You are complicit in your daughter's homicide. We know and can prove that you are a fraud behind framing an American citizen for protesting your suppression.

Your slave master - David Miscavidge - will not allow you to take him down with you. Already the painfully obvious truth of your fair game attack is being exposed to the Las Vegas Police department, who of all people will be most irate. The Las Vegas SWAT team takes its job very seriously, and the two-bit would-be ambulance chaser that sent them on a wild goose chase will not go unpunished. The law you have hid behind will now affront you. Anonymous will crush your attempts at censorship of facts, just has we have crushed your lies.

Kendrick Moxon, Anonymous has been clambering for your downfall since day one of this operation. With you gone the last line of defense for the true Fag-masters of Scientology will have been breached. All eyes are upon you now. There is no escape from this trap. You have made it for yourself.

We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.

Expect us

Daily Tweets and other entertaining nonsense from our feeds:

01:50 lol osa is following through the nightly city because we took timelapse footage of the org lol #

02:56 hello org #


There are only six week until the Megaraid, so it is time for a Megaraid Wallpaper Contest.

Contribution is easy, create a wallpaper with a resolution of 1600x1200 or 1920x1200 pixel with Anonymous and Megaraid related content and the Megaraid date.
Upload it to an imagehoster or the the German insurgency board on 888chan /ide/.

Post the link to your Wallpaper in the comments of this article.

We will publish the wallpapers by the end of next week here in our blog, and show the best ones during the Megaraid.

The Megaraid Logo in several versions, as well as the used fonts and Colors can be found here in our Megaraid CI Guide.

Here an example:

Bis zum Megaraid sind es nur noch etwas mehr als sechs Wochen, und langsam wird es Zeit für gute Anonymous Megaraid Wallpaper Contest.

Um mitzumachen gestaltet ein Wallpaper der Auflösungen 1600x1200 für 4:3 Auflösungen oder 1920x1200 für Widescreen Auflösungen mit Anonymous Megaraid verwantem Inhalt.

Laded euer Wallpaper dann bei einem Imagehoster wie z.B. Imageshack, oder auf das deutsche Insurgency Board hoch, und postet den Link in den Kommentaren zu diesem Artikel.

Die Einsendungen werden wir dann Ende nächster Woche in unserem Blog veröffendlichen, und die die besten auch während des Megaraids zeigen.

Das Megaraid Logo in verschiedenen versionen, die benutzten Schriften und Farben findet Ihr hier in unserem MEgaraid CI guide

Daily Tweets and other entertaining nonsense from our feeds:

23:21 @rawrz thanks we heard that #

23:24 extremely well done #Anonymous video about our friend George from Saint Hill. Best since ages #

13:57 New #Hamburg #Anonymous #Megaraid #Vlog is out! this time about the Raid Schedule and contens. #

Hier wie es in der Überschrift steht, das neue Vlog zum Megaraid.

Ihr wisst ja, das aktuellste zum megaraid gibts im Megaraid blog:
oder im Forenthread zum Megaraid in Hamburg auf

Und nochetwas für all die Gefährder unter unseren lesern die gerne mal ins Kino gehen:

Im Blog ist der Autor auf eine interessante Passage in der Datenschutzerklärung der UCI Kinos gestossen:

7. Soweit die Übermittlung meiner Daten an Dritte nicht aufgrund eines Gesetzes, insbesondere nach dem BDSG, erlaubt ist, willige ich ein, dass die UCI-Gruppe und KRANKIKOM

• soweit dies erforderlich ist, meine personenbezogenen Daten an Strafverfolgungs- und Aufsichtsbehörden zur Abwehr von Gefahren für die staatliche und öffentliche Sicherheit sowie zur Verfolgung von Straftaten übermittelt.

• meinen Namen und meine Anschrift, soweit es zur Wahrung berechtigter Interessen eines Dritten erforderlich ist, an diesen übermittelt. Eine Datenherausgabe ist insbesondere dann nicht erforderlich und findet seitens der UCI-Gruppe und KRANKIKOM nicht statt, wenn es dem Dritten zuzumuten ist oder wenn ein Ermittlungsverfahren einer Strafverfolgungs- oder Aufsichtsbehörde eingeleitet werden kann oder bereits eingeleitet worden ist.

Die Kinokarte als direkter Fahrschein in die Anti-Terror Datei... Also vielleicht lieber Woanders ins Kino.

Links zum Thema:

Daily Tweets and other entertaining nonsense from our feeds:

21:59 #Anonymous #Megaraid #Hamburg invitation updated #

22:03 I'm hosting "Monatlicher Anonymous Raid in Hamburg" on Nov 14th. RSVP at #MonatlicherAnonymous #twvt #

ビッケpedia in Deutschland kämpft mit der Relevanz.

Anonymous als internationales Internetphänomen nach langen Grabenkämpfen mit den Wikipedia Blockwarten auch in der deutschen Wiki einen Artikel bekommen.
(Über die Qualität lässt sich jedoch streiten)

Da in den letzten Tagen immer wieder Artikel wegen magelder "Relevanz" verschwinden, wie z.B. Zensursula und mogis müssen auch wir uns Gedanken um unsere Relevanz machen.

Nicht nur dass die Artikel durch die Relevanz-Entscheider gelöscht werden, nein, auch eine Neuanlage, Wiederherstellung und Änderung wird konsequent unterbunden, und damit eindeutig das (fast) Monopol zur Meinungsmache missbraucht.

Protipp: Wenige oder nur Eine(n) über das Werk der Community entscheiden zu lassen macht die User sicher gücklich.

Deshalb weisen wir nochmal nachdrücklich auf die Seite Wiki-waste hin, die Seite auf der all das zu finden ist, dem Wikipedia keine Relevanz zugesteht.

Weiteres findet Ihr in der Bildzeitung für Extra-Nerds.

Wer glaubt der kampf gegen Scientology hätte sich entspannt, oder die Mittel von Scientology wie die fair game Taktik seien bei weitem nichtmehr so schlimm hat sich wohl geirrt.

In las Vegas it ein ein Anonymous Demonstrant in seiner Wohnung von einem SWAT Team wegen angeblicher Terroristischer Akte Festgenommen worden.

Aus der Begründung geht hervor, dass es sich hier wieder um das Werk des Scientology Anwalts Kendrik Moxon handelt, des mit Hilfe eines anderen Scientologen und ehemaligen Arbeitskollegen des Anons und gefälschter Foren-Posts für die Verhaftung verantwrotlich ist.

Bild: Kendrik Moxon (Scientology Anwalt)

Der eigentliche Vorwurf, angebliche Bombendrohung, fand zwei Monate zuvor in der Kansas Org statt. Die Polizei ermittelte, stellte aber die Ermittlungen ein, nachdem sie mit Anonymous gesprochen hatte.

Hier der Originale Post von WWP, Wir halten euch auf dem laufenden sobald es neue Nachrichten gibt:

This is Las Vegas Anonymous.

One of our anons "Cameranonymous" was arrested by Metro SWAT on the night of October 15th, at roughly 11pm. He was expected for a meetup the next morning, and when he didn't show up a couple of Anons ventured to his house. He didn't answer, and a glance through the windows showed the house had been ransacked. The police were informed, but called back in a short time to inform us that Cameranonymous had been arrested and was being detained.

He is being held on charges of "Act of Terrorism" and "Bomb/Explosive Threat". Attempts to bail him out have failed, as bail has only been set for the bomb threat charge. Bail for Act of Terrorism is listed as $0 at this time. It is presumable that because of the weekend he has not been before the judge to set bail for that charge.

A search and seizure warrant for Cameranonymous was found that lists Kenneth Moxon, and a Scientologist that Cameranonymous worked with at his previous job, Alex Jiminez, as those accusing Cameranonymous of these charges. Cameranonymous' handle was connected with his IRL name by this Alex Jiminez, who claims to have identified him by matching a video on youtube in which Cameranonymous was filmed being cited for jaywalking, with pictures of his cameras and clothing from protests in Las Vegas and Los Angeles, and by having seen him in person protesting outside our local Org.

Confiscated in Cameranonymous' house were items including some of his PCs, his firearms, and his ammunition and other items. Anons have visited him in jail and an attorney has been aqcuired.

The evidence that was written in the application for the search warrant by the LVMPD Anti-Terrorist Unit Officer includes standard "Anonymous is a terrorist/extremist group" propaganda from Moxon, along with altered quotes from the Las Vegas Anonymous message board.

These quotes were in reference to meetups for the purpose of legal target shooting by some LVAnons who are target shooting enthusiasts. Added to these quotations in the application for the warrant were references to explosives that were never in the original posts. Also these quotations were taken out of the context of the threads to imply that Cameranonymous was trying to incite terrorist violence against the Org and the Scientologists within.

For instance quotes about meeting up at a predetermined location to shoot at targets, usually followed by astronomy sessions and star photography, such as "let's go blow shit up" - which were specifically in the context of going into a desert location which is outside of the city limits in which both of our local Orgs resides (by many miles) were altered in the application for search warrant to say "let's go blow shit up with guns and explosives, and then raid the fuck out of the local org."

Explosives were never mentioned in the original posts in any way. "Let's go blow shit up," has always specifically refered to the destruction of targets such as a porcelain commode, watermelons, jugs of water and similar, specifically by the use of legally purchased, registered, and carried firearms - NEVER EXPLOSIVES. This is a hobby of certain local anons, which we meet up to do IRL. Other hobbies carried out in this way include Astronomy, LAN parties, Cross-stitch, etc.

Postings of Cameranonymous were monitored, and he was under IRL surveillance in the time leading up to his arrest, per the application for the warrant by police, and a private investigator by the name of "Taco Prins" from Advantage Group who had been conducting an investigation into Anonymous activities in Las Vegas NV. This private investigator had contacted Henderson Defense Industries (HDI) in reference to firearms recently purchased by Cameranonymous. HDI divulged information about Cameranonymous' recent purchases, as well as the fact that Cameranonymous had mentioned his acts of protest against Church of Scientology in Las Vegas.

Information from these parties were included in the application for warrant by Las Vegas Police, among other various information.

Cameranonymous is an upstanding and law abiding individual. He is an AVID hobbyist. Be it Photography, automobiles, motorcycles, computers or firearms, he is a collector first and foremost. He indeed did purchase a number of firearms in a short few months. He also purchased large ammounts of ammo for those weapons, purchased in bulk in an effort to save money, as he intended target shooting and marksmanship to be a long-term pursuit.

He also purchases large amounts of cameras and photography equipment, and large amounts of computer equipment in a short period of time. This is how he pursues his hobbies. He makes a large up front investment on particular and well researched items.

He was devoted to using these legally purchased firearms safely and legally for recreational purposes. At no time has he EVER mentioned explosives, or the use of his firearms against any human being or building or organization.

As has been said, he has been arrested and is being held by police at this time. More information is forthcoming as it is recieved and approved for release by LVANON.

[Mod edit:

Here are some posts and links that helps to put this into ccontext:

Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
To Anons and anyone else reading this thread...

As you may remember, an alleged bomb threat was allegedly phoned into the Kansas City org almost two months ago.

The FBI Domestic Terrorism division located in Kansas City investigated the complaint, spoke with/visited some KC Anons and Anons from other locales, and, as a result of their investigation, closed the case with no arrests.

Be advised that the Kansas City FBI agent(s) who participated in that situation has/have been notified by Anon(s) of the LV situation/arrest.

Best wishes to the entire Las Vegas cell!

<3 Also: Quote:
Originally Posted by stuwyatt
To those who are unaware (especially the many guests now reading this thread), the cult produced a youtube video pretending to be anonymous, and in the video it threatened that Scienttology orgs would be blown up and leading Scientologists targeted and killed.

Shortly afterwards, the cult produced a DVD about Anonymous which included footage of the youtube video. The only problem was that the DVD contained footage of a higher-quality than the compressed youtube video - proving that they produced their DVD using a master of the bomb threat footage - proving that it was them in the first place who made the bomb threat video.

The cult has a long history of getting people arrested for shit like this. I am just amazed that they are trying the same tactics in today's age of the internet and chanology....

Originally Posted by Vir
It's not definite proof, because there are other possible explanations for it, but it would certainly warrant further investigation.

Here's a video comparison of the DVD version and the YouTube version that was uploaded and taken down quickly:
YouTube - Operation Freakout: The CoS Bomb Threat Proof

Note again that it is not conclusive, but very suspicious.

Originally Posted by stuwyatt
This is a CBS report from 20 years ago which explains the cults bomb threat set-up against Paulette Cooper (a leading critic of Scientology) which got her arrested on domestic terrorism charges.

YouTube - CBS Scientology Paulette Cooper Operation Freakout Part 1

They actually broke into her home, stole her headed notepaper, and mailed themselves a bomb-threat!

Or a text writeup is here - Operation Freakout - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The cult has a long history of pulling stunts like this.

Daily Tweets and other entertaining nonsense from our feeds:

05:17 calling ning solved the problem #Anonymous #Hamburg ning is back up #

Daily Tweets and other entertaining nonsense from our feeds:

11:49 I'm hosting "Megaraid" on Dec 3rd. RSVP at #Megaraid #twvt #

15:01 #Anonymous #Hamburg ning has been disabled due to a #DMCA claim by ron savelo, talking to ning is in Progress #

So zum Thema Megaraid gib es ein neues Vlog, ganz im Stiele der neuen CI:

Und hier nochmal die ganz allgemeine Info was abgehen wird, in international english:

Hamburg Megaraid 3rd-6th December Contents:




You, national and international famous and not so famous Critics, as well as some Officials (Friday)


Here, have handy guide to Hamburg as well as the /i/nvasion plan

Download here (real webhoster - not megaupload):

/i/nvasion plans


We have organized a gym from Friday to Sunday.
There you can sleep for free.
You´ll need:
- sleeping bag
- inflatable mattress (or something similar)
- Pillow (optional)

since we wanted to start Thursday 3rd with preraid party and getting to know the city and locations, we will try to provide beds for all who will be there for Thursday among local Anonymous.
if you need a bed for thursday, request on our decentralized network pl0x
(lick the ling below)
Megaraid bed/room /r/ thread - Anonymous Hamburg

If you want your own room, you´ll find recommendations in our City guide

Download here (real webhoster - not megaupload):


We can get you a German Prepaid Simcard for your Cell phone for 10€ if you need one. (initial charge about 3€)
But we need to know it at least 2 weeks in advance, on shorter notice something might fail.


You can do lots, if you want to.

1st: If you want to do something official that needs equipment, or you want to do something on stage, let us know, we´ll arrange it.

We strongly encourage you to do so.

there will be an operator all around the clock, that will try to help you, when you don´t know whats going on, or you´re lost or whatever

one liaison Anon for the operator per cell would be good, if one of your cell gets lost in the city and is looking for the rest, or similar situations...
So if you volunteer for your cell liaison, let us know.
(A-non-non-anon did volunteer for loldon so far)


If you want to produce your own Megaraid Media/t-shirt/ Video etc
We have compiled a CI-Guide, with all used logos, Fonts, colors, do´s and don'ts
to help you doing so.

IF you don´t need/want it, its okay with us, we only provide all sauce for you.

Download here (real webhoster - not megaupload):


You´ll find everything in our Megaraid Blog


We dunno, that's why we missed it, feel free to throw shit at us, and tell me what is missing.


Der Oktober Raid fiel beinahe ins Wasser - wörtlich gesprochen.
Es schüttete aus allen Wolken bei einer Temperatur um die 5°.
Anonymous ewies mal wieder das das Wetter ihm nichts anhaben kann. Und so trafen sich ca. 20 von uns vor der Wandelhalle und marschierten dann los, mit einem großen Transparent vorn weg.

Das Themenbezogene Outfit für den SHOCKtober Raid konnte erst vor dem Scientology Gebäude übergezogen und mit Kunstblut und Verbandszeug versehen werden.

Hier einige der Bilder:

Like our /b/rothers in Clearwater, We´ll have Operation Shoctober.

Improvisationskostüme sind bereit, wie immer.

Operation: Shoctober


Treffpunkt wie immer, Hauptbahnhof (Ausgang Wandelhalle)
Beginn 12 Uhr
Abmarsch 13 Uhr durch die Mönckebergstraße
Party gegenüber der Scientology "Kirche" in der Domstraße

Pro Tip:
Regenschrim-Tech nicht vergessen!

Am 10.10.2009 findet die nächste Demonstration gegen Scientology in Hamburg statt.
Unsere Mitstreiter in Clearwater Florida, werden das Thema Operation SHOctober für den Protest umsetzen, wir sind uns noch nicht ganz sicher.
Wie immer bei Anonymous, die spontane Entscheidung steht noch aus ;-)

Pic related, last year:

Noch mal langsam zum Mitschreiben:

Wann: 10.10.2009
Wo: Treffpunkt wie immer, Hauptbahnhof (Ausgang Wandelhalle)
Beginn: 12 Uhr
- ca. eine Stunde Demonstration am Bahnhof
- dann Abmarsch 13 Uhr durch die Mönckebergstraße
- dann Party gegenüber der Scientology "Kirche" in der Domstraße

Bringt Schilder und Transparente mit, lulz und Wetter entsprechende Kleidung.

Zum wiederholtenmale wurde die Verknüpfung der Kumquats Handpuppen aus der Übersicht
der Scientology Tarnorganisationen entfernt.

Vandalismus kommt im jeden wiki vor.
Um gezielt falsche Informatioen zustreuen (siehe hier) oder Meinungen zubilden (siehe hier).

Zur Erklärung:
Was sind den bitten Kumquats Handpuppen:

Freddy, Lena, Nils, Nelli, Susi & Co.
Putzige harmlose Namen für babygroße Handpuppen. (ca. 80cm)
Zu kaufen gibt es das Spielzeug über die Firma „Kumquats“, ein streng nach Scientology Grundsätzen geführtes Unternehmen.
Die Firmenideologie basiert auf der Lehre des Sektengründers L. Ron Hubbard.

Eine gute Einnahme Quelle, bei der man natürlich keine schlechte Kritik im Internetsehen will.
Wie zB:

Aber das man das in einem freien Wiki unterdrücken will.
Ist doch sehr fragwürdiges Vorgehen.
Solchein Vorgehen ist aber ganz normal für Scientology.

Homepage von Kumquats Handpuppen

The Festival of Leaks - Scientology Related

Anonymous kündigt hiermit das Festival der Leaks an.

An Montag, dem 12. Oktober 2009
um 6 Uhr Morgens.

Wir werden die größte Sammlung an scientologischen Materialien, die jemals an einem einzelnen Ort zusammengetragen wurde, zum Download anbieten.

Die beteiligten Anonymous laden ihr Material an vielen verschiedenen Orten hoch und benutzen dabei wechselnde Dateinamen ohne Scientology-Bezug und Sockenpuppen-Accounts für jedes hochgelandene Set.

Da OSA im Akkord arbeiten wird, um alle Kopien aus dem Netz zu entfernen, werden wir die Seite in den kommenden sieben Tagen mit immer neuen Kopien der Materialien aktualisieren, wobei grundsätzlich jederzeit sieben verschiedene Mirror verfügbar sein werden.

Wenn Du dich an dieser Aktion beteiligen möchtest, poste bitte eine Liste deiner Uploads , ohne Angabe des Downloadortes , in diesem Thread . So wissen diejenigen, die auf bestimmte Materialien warten, dass diese bereitgestellt werden.

Diese Aktion geschieht als Antwort auf durch Scientology initiierte Abmahnungen gegen Urheber audiovisueller Inhalte, an denen Scientology keinerlei Rechte besitzt.

Anonymous is Very Pleased to Announce:

The Festival of LEAKS,

On Monday, 12th October, 2009,
12 pm Eastern Standard Time,

We will release for immediate download,
The Most Amount of copyrighted Church of Scientology clap trap,
in a single place evar

the ANONYMOUS MEMBERS already involved in this are uploading to multiple locations, their Vast library.

as the OS A. work under overload to get all these copies removed from the internet,

- we will edit the static pages that the public will be using, updating this with a complete new set of download locations. the festival will continue for seven days and will have at least 7 different sets of files

this is a response to (the actions of) Scientologist Doctor Oliver Schaper, making many false DMCA claims regarding audio video con-tent critical of their cult, Scientology.

Doctor Schaper, Look What you Brought In !

Russland muss Scientology Entschädigung zahlen.
So heißt es am 1.10.2009

in der

Es gebe ferner keine Beweise für eine illegale Aktivität der Organisation, "die lediglich das Ziel verfolgt, ihren Glauben, ihre Lehre und ihren Gottesdienst zu verbreiten", hieß es in dem Urteil.

Wie Was Wo????
Es gibt genügent Beweise das die Aktivitäten illegal sind die die Sekte Scientology durchführt.
Aber hier scheint wohl etwas Geld geflossen zusein.

Wer sich über die "rechtstaatlichkeit" von russchen Gerichten ein Bild machen will.

Sollte mal nach Politkowskaja suchen.
Ein schönes Beispiel, was da für eine Show abläuft.

btw: für solch eine Meinungsäusserung müsste man als blog betreiberInn in Russland mit einer Hausdurchsuchung rechnen.