Anonymous Hamburg

Die englische Wikipedia hat einen neuen Artikel zum Guardians Office, dem Geheimdienst der Scientology Organisation, der heute OSA - Office of Special Affairs - heisst.

In dem Artikel werden viele Operationen und deren Hergang beschrieben.
Die meisten erinnern sehr stark an das vorgehen der Mafia.

Zum Beispiel

Operation Snapper

Operation Snapper was a plot in 1976 to discredit Lawrence Tapper, the deputy attorney general in charge of the charitable trust unit in the California Attorney General's office, who had handled consumer fraud complaints against the Church of Scientology during the 1970s. The Guardian's Office intended to frame Tapper with a pregnant woman, a fake nun and a fictional bribery kickback to get him "removed from his post in the AG's office so that he can no longer commit overts [sins]" against Scientology.

The operation was divided into three "channels", each of which had several "phases". The first phase of channel one instructed:

Recruit a very tough (woman) that is obviously pregnant and that is a good actress... she does a practice run on the AG's office to ascertain the best place in [Evelle] Younger's office [the former attorney general] to do the action. Pregnant woman simply walks into the AG's office in Sacramento and says in so many words: 'I told Larry I wouldn't do this but he gave me no choise [sic]. I don't care about his career anymore! I mean look at me! I'll go to the press even if it does ruin my family's reputation. I won't have an abortion!'" After creating a scene and crying, the woman was to leave, saying, "Oh, never mind, nobody will help me anyway.

In the second phase:

Recruit trusted male... must be able to talk angerly [sic] and sound about 45 to 50 years old over the phone. "He is the father of the pregnant girl. He calls up the two areas his daughter visited and gives them hell (from an outside phone), says, 'My daughter came into your office yesterday. The pregnant girl. Well, I don't know what you people said to her but she is terrified... talks of suicide... this guy is Larry Tapper. Who is he? My daughter tells me he is the father of her child. And he's threatened to have her committed if she reveals this... You can only protect basterds [sic] like Tapper for so long and then you'll get a Watergate.'

The second channel would commence five days later, requiring the GO to "Recruit a trusted female with a lot of courage. Find out what's the biggest order of nuns in the area, and what habit they would be wearing during this season... Recruit a reliable person who can actually take professional photograph [sic] indoors." The "nun" would go into the Attorney General's office and ask about filing a complaint. The "photographer" would follow her and "overhear" her question, and would make her "admit" that she wanted to complain about Tapper. The "photographer" would start taking pictures of the "nun": "Nun covers her face completely. She says please don't. No! Oh God. I shouldn't have come here. Nun leaves very upset. Photographer asks receptionist who was that... and leaves." In the second phase, a Scientologist posting as a journalist would go to the office and ask questions such as "Is it true a nun came in here yesterday and accused Younger of protecting Lawrence Tapper... Any statement on this. Is Younger protecting Tapper on this? What's it all about?" The pictures taken by the "photographer" would be sent to newspapers to elicit headlines "something like 'Mysterious Nun Claims Prejudice in AG's office.' GET ARTICLE PUBLISHED. The article will cast aspersions on the charity fraud area and Tapper."

In the final channel, GO staff were instructed:

Find out where Tapper banks... Obtain the name and address of the San Diego Mental Health's executive who just got busted for dealing in drugs. Recruit a 30-year old tough looking male... He will be taking five $20 bills ($100) and depositing them into Tapper's account. He'll ensure no prints of his are on any papers... He should wear glasses and some sort of hat so he can't be recognized again... He reports back with receipt.

Another Scientology agent posing as a banker was to deliver the receipt to Younger's office, implicating Tapper for receiving "payoffs from some rather strange areas." According to the planning documents for the operation, "The above channel workable [sic] is derived from the fact that Younger has been involved with bad PR concerning bankers and banks. This should... have Younger put a lot of attention on this caper."

At least some of Operation Snapper was put into effect. The GO documents about the operation were among the files seized by the FBI in June 1977 but it was not until February 1980 that Operation Snapper became public knowledge, when a group called the Citizens Freedom Foundation discovered the planning documents among the files that had been released in the aftermath of the convictions of the GO's leadership. When Henrietta Crampton of the CFF told Tapper about the documents that her group had uncovered, "he was quiet for a moment, and then he asked if it had anything to do with a pregnant woman. I told him it did and that I had it in writing. He said, 'You've made my weekend," and asked me to send him copies." Tapper made no further comment, as he and Attorney General Younger were being sued for allegedly illegally infiltrating the Church of Scientology.

Lest mehr über die Operationen des Guardians Office hier!